пятница, 16 октября 2009 г.

Fix for QScintilla

For those of you who is annoyed by QScintilla's bug with autocomplete (when using Linux and GNOME, and probably some other WMs), here's something you can do.

First of all you can download the patched package for Ubuntu 9.04 (i386) and install it. That's it, now your auto-complete is working.

For other Debian-based distros you can patch it yourself:

Install building environment:
$ sudo aptitude install dpatch cdbs fakeroot build-essential

Get sources of QScintilla and step into its source dir:
$ apt-get source libqscintilla2-3
$ cd qscintilla2-2.3.2

Download deb-patch from here and put it to debian/patches directory:
$ cd debian/patches
$ wget -nd http://juffed.googlecode.com/files/03_autocomplete.dpatch
$ echo "03_autocomplete" >> 00list
$ cd ../..

Install all necessary dependencies:
$ sudo aptitude install libqt4-dev python-all-dev sip4 python-sip4 python-sip4-dev python-qt4-dev python-qt4

and start building
$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

Now you have you own patched QScintilla built. Install it:
$ sudo dpkg -i ../libqscintilla2-3_2.3.2-0ubuntu2_i386.deb

For those who doesn't use Debian-based distro here is a normal patch here.

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